The second-generation H1 chip air pod.

Cute Airpod Case

The second-generation air pod is the upgraded second model of air pod into the market. This is intruded by a company called Apple in the year 2019 march month. This is in the shinny white in color which comes in only one color as original and it is made of plastic. This is made by chip H1 which makes the device work faster. There are many Cute Airpod Case  are on the market which also comes handy to carry and small to fit in.

Air pod’s uses :

Cute Airpod Case

This H1 chip second-generation air pod is highly improved in connectivity which helps the users to switch the device easily and without inconvenience. This has the extra one hour talk time while compare to the old version of this model. Which means this can use 3 hours of talk time in total. This has the updated version of ‘Hey Siri’ ios assistant. …

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