Celiac disease and gluten intolerance: Reasons behind your anxiety

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Celiac disease is a chronic autoimmune disease of the small intestine that is sensitive to a mixture of proteins called gluten. Gluten is mainly found in wheat flour and its products, but also in barley or rye. It is a serious disease that is currently not curable. The only therapy is lifetime exclusion of gluten from the diet. The gravity blanket reviews will offer some good solution with the matter.

However, do not confuse gluten-allergic celiac disease, which may not be lifelong can be treated with allergen vaccination, and may disappear over time. Typical symptoms of celiac disease are diarrhea, flatulence, convulsions, weight loss or fatigue, but patients may also suffer from anxiety and depression, which in addition may be the only symptoms of the disease.

Thyroid disease

Whether it is an underactive thyroid function or an increased thyroid function, both illnesses, in addition to known symptoms such as fatigue, cold-bloodedness or warm-bloodedness, constipation and weight loss, can also be manifested by altered psyche, lack of interest or depression and anxiety.

What destroys immunity?

Maybe you are destroying your immunity completely, and it would be enough to remove a few things from your life. Do you know them?

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So if you start to suffer from depression or anxiety, and if you experience any of the above symptoms of thyroid disease, you should have your thyroid examined.

Some medications

Sometimes depression and anxiety can cause or worsen the medicines you are taking. For example, beta blockers that are used to treat high blood pressure can cause depression. Anxiety and depression are also side effects of taking birth control pills or statins, which are used to lower cholesterol levels. If you are taking any medication regularly and have experienced unpleasant depressive moods, tell your doctor, who may consider changing your treatment.


Your favorite cup of coffee can become your enemy. Several scientific studies have already shown a link between coffee consumption and increased incidence of depression and anxiety. Although most people can easily enjoy one or two cups of coffee a day, if you are more prone to depression and anxiety, you might want to change your mind about drinking coffee.

Therapist also recommends mentioning anxiety to reduce the intake of caffeine and sweetened drinks, which will excite you even more and can cause that unpleasant heart palpitations. Make simple daily rituals for example, drink a cup of herbal tea before bedtime, start a new day of thanks every day or do breathing exercises before bedtime.

What spoils the mood?

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Look for five food ingredients that can spoil your mood. The advice on losing weight that common sense gives us does not sound so sophisticated

Unhealthy food

Inappropriate diet can increase the risk of many diseases such as heart disease, diabetes or cancer, but it can also have a significant impact on your mental health. According to a study published in Public Health Nutrition, people who eat pastry-rich foods and fast food have an up to 51 percent increased risk of developing depression.

Therapists also agree that food can also affect our mental state of mind. Think about what you eat, how you eat, what food brings to your body, what it takes. Do not throw unnecessary garbage into your body, listen to your body, what makes it good, what it tastes, smells what gives it energy, but long-term energy. Do not cling to the charts, the new trends that are on every corner, rather build confidence in yourself, in your body and listen to it advises the therapist.