Getting to The Bottom of Blocked Drains in Bromley

blocked drains bromley
blocked drains bromley

blocked drains bromley can be incredibly frustrating for property owners; blocked drains can cause significant disruption and in some cases can be dangerous. In this article, we’ll explore what causes blocked drains, the best ways to prevent them from occurring, and how to tackle the problem if you encounter it.

The Causes Of Blocked Drains

There are several potential reasons for a blockage in your drains. These include:

  • Hair or soap scum can lead to drainage issues in showers, baths and sinks.
  • Tree root intrusion is the most common cause of blocked outside drains.
  • Broken pipes can be a major contributor to blockages – these should be attended to immediately and by an experienced professional.
  • Grease, fat, food, and other materials can create an obstruction and lead to blocked drains in kitchen sinks.
  • Foreign objects such as sanitary items, toys or sticks that find their way into toilets can cause blockages.

The Consequences Of Clogged Drains

If left untreated, blocked drains can result in several unpleasant consequences. These include:

blocked drains bromley

  • Unpleasant odors.
  • Hygiene levels will be affected due to the build-up of debris.
  • Flooding and water damage.
  • Pollution of natural waterways.
  • Structural problems caused by dampness and moisture.

Preventing A Blockage

It’s always preferable to avoid blocked drains wherever possible, taking proactive measures rather than dealing with the aftermath of a blockage. Here are some tips to stop blockages before they occur:

  • Fit a strainer over sink holes to catch any debris.
  • Try not to pour fat or grease down drains.
  • Regularly check outdoor drains for signs of tree root growth.
  • Check seals around bathtub, sinks, and showers to make sure they are watertight.
  • Invest in an annual drain cleaning service from a qualified plumber.

How To Unblock Drains

If your drains are already blocked, the first step should be to identify exactly where the interruption is located. If you are unable to find the source of the blockage yourself, then it’s a good idea to call a specialist who can quickly and efficiently rectify the issue. There are several ways to deal with a blockage, such as using hot water, a plunger, or chemical products, but these should only be carried out by an expert.

Depending on the complexity and severity of the blockage, the strategy used to address it may differ. Your chosen plumbing company may use advanced machinery such as rotation machines, hydro Jetting, CCTV cameras, or pipe relining to clear the blockage. This ensures that the job is done properly and the underlying cause of the clog is addressed.


Blocked drains can cause a lot of disruption and mess. They can have serious repercussions if they are not dealt with promptly, so it is always best to take preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of a blockage. However, if you do happen to experience a clog in your drainage system, contact a professional immediately to avoid further complications.