Great Options for the Best Grand Canyon Tours

It is the main attraction of the United States, one of the most beautiful and appreciated excursions of our study holidays, and an inexhaustible source of charm and mystery: we are talking about the Grand Canyon, one of the most beautiful and photographed places in the world.

The Grand Canyon in Arizona is a must for those traveling to the West Coast, and in general, it is a place that must be seen at least once in a lifetime because it is unique in the world.

But how much do we really know about this mysterious “geological phenomenon”? There are so many oddities and mysteries that revolve around this immense rocky gorge, so let’s get to know it a little more deeply through 9 curiosities. Make a visit to for the best choices now.

How It Was Formed

There are still many hypotheses and doubts about the birth of the Grand Canyon. The main theory is that which attributes its conformation to the Colorado River that about 17 million years ago would have begun to dig into the rock eroding them layer by layer. A second theory attributes its formation to seismic activities that would have led to a violent rise of the plateau. Finally, there are also those who have suggested that it is the work of aliens.

Because It’s Called The Grand Canyon

Initially, the most famous gorge in the world was called “Kaibab” (mountain upside down) from the Indian tribe of Paiute. It later took the name of “Grand Canyon” when a veteran between 1891 and 1892 traveled the entire river calling this great valley.

It Is Not The Largest In The World

Although the Grand Canyon is about 446 km long and 1,857 meters deep, it is not the largest in the world; it is in fact beaten in depth by the Grand Canyon of Yarlung, in southern Tibet, and in size by the Capertree Valley in Australia.

It Is Inhabited

The Grand Canyon is home to the Supai Village, reachable by helicopter or on foot, in which the Havasupai tribe lives. It is a very interesting place to see, especially for its Havasu Falls.

The Grand Canyon Music Festival

Every year in September the Grand Canyon Music Festival is held at an exclusive place in the valley: Windows Rock. Throughout the year this place also hosts several dance shows as well as handcrafted products of American Indians who inhabited this area.

The Skywalk

Those visiting the Grand Canyon from the Las Vegas side will find themselves in the West Rim area where the Skywalk is a suspension bridge over a 1300-meter headland, with a crystal floor! Not recommended for those suffering from vertigo.

It Houses A Cemetery

In the Grand Canyon National Park, there is a cemetery reachable from the park’s visitor center, following the signs for Shrine of the Ages.

A Tightrope Walker Crossed It On A Rope

Nik Wallenda has covered 426.7 meters on the Little River on a 5 cm diameter copper cable, without protection or ropes. The enterprise lasted 23 minutes.