Unclogging Your Blocked Drains

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Having a blocked drain is a common plumbing problem that households may experience. Clogged drains can be caused by a range of different issues, and could lead to some serious headaches if left unattended. If you find yourself dealing with a blocked drain, click here to learn how to effectively unblock it to get the water running again.

The Causes of Blocked Drains

Blocked drains could be caused by a variety of different factors, including foreign objects, soap scum, grease, oil, and hair. Signs of a blocked drain usually include stagnant water, bad odours, and slow drainage. In some cases, a blockage could be caused by a collapsed or broken pipe.

Safety First

Before attempting any repairs on your own, be sure to switch off the main electrical power supply and wear protective gear such as goggles, gloves, and a face mask. Additionally, you will want to have some quality products on hand to help you in tackling the issue.

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Useful Plumbing Products

If you feel comfortable handling the repair on your own, you will need the following tools: a plunger, wire coat hanger, and piping snakes. A plunger is great for items like soap scum and hair, while a metal coat hanger helps to remove foreign objects and other debris. Finally, a piping snake effectively deals with tough clogs.

Do-It-Yourself Tips and Tricks

When it comes to tackling blocked drains, the most popular technique involves using a plunger. The suction created by the plunger should be able to break up and disperse the blockage. Additionally, you may want to use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to create a fizzing sensation that quickly clears the obstruction.

Using Chemicals to Unclog a Drain

In more severe cases, you may have to resort to using chemical products to clear the blockage. Some popular options include boiling water, specialised drain cleaners, as well as harsher chemicals such as caustic soda. However, taking this route can be dangerous and cause more harm than good, so it’s perhaps best to call a professional plumber at this point.

Hire Professional Help

Attempting large-scale plumbing works without the proper skill set and knowledge could be hazardous. Instead, hire experienced professionals who can help you tackle your plumbing problems without the mess and hassles. Professional plumbers are trained and equipped with specialised tools and techniques to get the job done right.

Dealing with blocked drains can be quite challenging and stressful, but with the right approach and equipment, you can finesse the issue and have it fixed in no time. For more information, contact your local plumbing service and get the help you need.

Blocked drains can be a major cause for concern. These blockages occur when items become stuck in the drain pipes and stop water from flowing properly. Common causes of blockages include food scraps, hair, and solid objects like tampons, wet wipes, and even toys. The disruption of water flow caused by these blockages can cause complete backups and create standing water that can further lead to leaking pipes, septic system issues, and serious water damage. Regular and thorough maintenance of drains is essential to ensure they operate correctly and to prevent blockages from occurring in the first place.